Our Resume Scoring System

Use our simple resume scoring system to get started. See the details of how this scoring systems below.

Resume Scoring: Use Our Scoring System To Score Resumes

AI Settings

AI Asssitant ID:
AI Model:
Max Token Count:
AI Temperature:
Frequency Penalty:
Presence Penalty:

Our Resume Scoring System

This form uses the simple resume scoring system below to get you started. We recommend creating your own resume scoring system.

Resume scoring system:

  • Full name, address, phone number, and professional email provided (1 Point).
  • Overall neatness and professional formatting (2 Points).
  • Absence of typos and grammatical errors (2 Points).
  • Clear, concise, and tailored to the position (5 Points).
  • Demonstrates candidate’s value and potential contribution (5 Points).
  • Relevance of past roles to the position applied for (10 Points).
  • Progression and growth in career (10 Points).
  • Achievements and outcomes quantified (e.g., sales increased by 20%) (10 Points).
  • Relevant degree or certifications (5 Points).
  • Additional courses or training relevant to the job (5 Points).
  • Academic achievements (if applicable, e.g., honors) (5 Points).
  • Skills relevant to the job listed (10 Points).
  • Evidence of skills applied in work scenarios (10 Points).
  • Relevance to the job or industry (5 Points).
  • Leadership, teamwork, or other transferable skills demonstrated (5 Points).
  • Consistency in style and tone (5 Points).
  • Personal branding (e.g., a distinct professional narrative) (5 Points).
  • Maximum Total: 100 Points.

Use this scoring Guide in the conclusion:

  • 90-100: Excellent Candidate.
  • 80-89: Strong Candidate.
  • 70-79: Good Candidate.
  • 60-69: Average Candidate.
  • Below 60: May Require Further Review.